Groundwater contamination is a common occurrence the world over. When it occurs, it is very\ndifficult and expensive to overcome. Since groundwater is a major source of potable water and the\nmost widespread, it is very necessary to explore all avenues to avert its contamination. The impact that\ncontamination has on groundwater, its environment and consumers were discussed. These include\nhealth hazard, imbalance in the ecosystem, water scarcity, negative economy and inflation. The\nvarious steps to prevent groundwater contamination such as efficient waste disposal method, safe\nstorage and handling of hazardous materials and protection of chemicals or waste from floods and\nrainfall percolating underground were briefly discussed. Also discussed under prevention are good\nmanagement of waste products, monitoring of storage tanks and pipelines, well monitoring as well as\nformulation of an effective Water Policy. The solution to contamination are broadly grouped into two;\nnamely ex-situ and in-situ technologies. Some case studies were analyzed for future references